Our Toddler Program is designed to engage the active nature of busy-bodied children ages 16mo-3 years, providing developmentally appropriate activities to build fundamental skills. Our caregivers provide emergent literacy opportunities, social-emotional guidance, and help develop communication skills through verbal and nonverbal conversation.

Our Day
Bible: Children sing, listen to, and participate in the Bible lesson.
Fine Motor: Children practice using their small motor muscles to manipulate small objects.
Gross Motor: Children get opportunities to run, climb, and use their large motor coordination in the gym and outside playground. 
Language/Literacy: Children get early literacy exposure throughout the day with  storytelling activities, self-guided reading time, and action song times.
Social-Emotional: Children build relationships with their caregiver and same age peers in a variety of situations to build conflict management and emotional regulation strategies.
Play: Children get ample amount of free time for creative exploration, as well as, targeted activities for multiple skills.